The basic rules of business tell you that any company, large or small, must have a purpose and goals. Why are you doing what you do? And what do you hope to achieve with your company? We can separate these two basics into numerous other business fundamentals, but those are the two critical pieces. Your goals will determine whether you grow or fail, so it’s essential to set the right goals for success.
The first part of business, discovering your purpose, primarily involves performing a background study of your company, which includes delving into your vision, values, and mission. People love a good story, and a brand is nothing if not a story. The second part of business involves your goals. You must set and track goals—part of that tracking includes SEM intelligence.
Setting Goals and Analyzing Data
Every company has goals, and they usually include selling a product or service to increase revenue. Of course, you want your product or service to be of high enough quality that your customers not only spend money on your business but also tell their friends about you, and they come back for more.
Once you set those goals, you also need business analytics, which helps you track statistics like how much of which product or service is selling and to whom. Analytics like these help you decide which products and services to continue selling, which to cut, and where you might make improvements. Businesses have been analyzing these data types for many years.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a crucial factor in setting goals and analyzing results in today’s world. For decades, companies have used advertising and marketing strategies to get their products in front of potential clients. Once, marketing only involved print media, radio, and television ads. Today, we have digital marketing.
People spend a lot of time on the internet. To succeed in business across almost every industry, you need to make a name for yourself on the World Wide Web. Every business should have a website with pages that explain and sell your products. And you should have a blog.
While many people will argue (and have been arguing for years) that blogging is dead, that is not true for legitimate business owners. Now more than ever, people want to know who they’re buying from, who they’re in business with, and who is getting their money. Your blog helps potential clients know and trust you and your brand.
And trust is what brings in the sales.
Business analytics are also involved in digital marketing, of course, but now we’re analyzing data like the number of visitors to your website daily, the number of subscribers, and the number of people who complete your call to action (basically, they buy something).
You attract clients to your website, where you can sell them your products and services via your blog, and for many clients, this includes using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies. SEO strategies include ways to drive organic traffic to your blogs, leading clients to your website. A blog with great SEO can rank highly on Google based on the keywords you use in your blog and how you place them, in addition to elements like how organized your blog is, how authentic your site is, and whether you are a credible source or authority for your content.
So, yes, blogging still matters, and SEO is a large part.
To track how successful your blogs and web content are, you’ll likely use Google Analytics, which is a free tool that helps you answer all the important questions mentioned above (how many views you got on your blogs, how many visits you got to your site, where people clicked, and how many people completed the call to action, to name a few).
But wait, what does all of this have to do with SEM?
While many people focus on SEO, far too many businesses still aren’t implementing SEM.
Where SEO is a passive approach to attracting organic searchers to your site, SEM, which stands for Search Engine Marketing, is a direct approach to targeting your specific clientele. That targeting can even include the region, gender, age range, income level, education level, etc.
SEM is, in short, paid advertising. The most popular type of paid advertising in digital marketing today is Google Ads. Google Ads is an extension of Google Analytics. You can establish an account with Google Ads and run a campaign using your set parameters. Then, you will pay per click. This means that you put a maximum limit on your campaign, and for every click you get on the ads for your site, you pay a certain amount up to your maximum limit.
Running a campaign like this and targeting your specific audience is intended to generate new and repeat business.
Som businesses run campaigns that get a lot of clicks, but no one buys anything, and they never come back.
SEM Intelligence
This is where SEM intelligence comes in. You don’t just want to throw money at advertising. You want to be smart about it.
SEM intelligence means you’re utilizing all the tools in your toolbelt to drive traffic to your website, keep people there, and encourage them to “add to cart” or “book a consultation now.”
You want to convert the ads you pay for to sales that make you money.
Ideally, you want to convert those initial views to long-term, loyal customers.
SEM intelligence helps you do that. You use both Google Ads and Google Analytics, plus tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz, to identify your audience. Then, you create targeted ads for that audience, integrate keywords your audience is searching for, analyze the actions your viewers take, and monitor your competition.
Analyzing these and other critical metrics allows for a higher ROI on your marketing investments. SEM intelligence not only increases sales from paid searches, but also helps you to understand your audience better for all of your marketing campaigns.
Ultimately, SEM intelligence is a critical factor in successful digital marketing. It requires a constantly growing knowledge of SEO and analytics. The good news is once you start, you’ll learn and get better at it quite quickly. Of course, it might also make sense to bring in an expert, like a digital marketing consultant or agency. Improving your marketing strategies is always a good investment.